Ken Kobayashi

Music Producer, Violinist, Programmer

Born and raised in America, I started classical violin at 4 years old.
My mother, who was a pianist, pushed me to become a better musician everyday.
Throughout my school life, I participated in orchestras, recitals and contests with my violin performance.

During my junior year of highschool, I discovered music production, and forced my father to buy Ableton Live.
From then on, I self taught myself music production and fell in love with electronic music creation.

Now studying at the Berklee College of Music, I am learning not only music production as an Electronic Production and Design major, but also jazz violin, and programming, which is why this website exists!

This website was created from scratch with html by me!
It is a collection of all my musical and programming work, and is like a portfolio that I have on the internet for all to see.

I hope you enjoy!